Covid-19 and the summer 2020 – Kassiopi Corfu Villas

Kassiopi Corfu Villas

According to the latest news from the Greek Government, Corfu shall open it’s borders to international travelers from 1st July 2020 with no compulsory quarantine or testing in place. Random testing shall take place at the airports for statistical research and shall be compulsory for whomever is chosen by the officials working there. The wearing of facial masks and gloves shall be compulsory on the flights and it is believed that no in-flight food or drinks shall be served – a small inconvenience in a much bigger picture. 

Due to strict lockdown measures from the beginning of the pandemic, Corfu – and indeed all of Greece – has all but escaped the corona virus. We are lucky to say we hold actually no idea of the virus other than from the media and so the place remains a peaceful, no-stress, wonderful island. Now, with additional health practices in place, we are ready to safely welcome guests to enjoy our peace and put aside all of the current worries our planet is facing. Kassiopi is ready and waiting, as are we.

It is a clear fact that the best type of holidays to minimize crowd contamination is in small, independent private properties. Hotels and such like with en-masse guests sharing the same amenities shall have a much more difficult task on their hands to ensure the safety of themselves and their guests. Happily, our private villa rentals are an ideal choice and even our apartment suites – 4 in total – have been deemed by past guests like private rentals due to the seclusion and privacy we offer – we were operating with social distancing rules without even knowing it! Us at Kassiopi Corfu Villas shall be adhering to the strict cleaning protocols we have always had in place and look forward to welcoming you safely – soon.